Our Programs

Our Programs

The Corner Cupboard offers the following programs and services:

Emergency Boxes

This program is designed as a “one-time use” program, to help individuals and families in special circumstances who need temporary food assistance as an urgent need, rather than on a regular basis.

Food Pantries

These programs regularly (once a month) provide groceries to people in need who meet the income guidelines for food assistance. Corner Cupboard has 11 pantry sites throughout Greene County.

Kid​’​s Bags

Our Kid’s Bags Program distributes kid-friendly food items to each child in our Pantry Network during high-risk hunger times of the year, when children are not in school (Summer and Holiday Breaks).

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Registration for this program is included in our Pantry Registration.

Our Pantry Network

Food Pantries

Aleppo-Richhill-Morris-Gray Township Pantry

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Graysville Fire Hall
3rd Thursday, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Center Township Pantry

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Rogersville Fire Hall
3rd Monday, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m

Cumberland Township Pantry

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Carmichaels UM Fellowship Hall
2nd Thursday, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Dunkard Township Pantry

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Shannopin Civic Bldg., Bobtown
2nd Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Franklin Township Pantry

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Greene County Fairgrounds
4th Thursday, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Jackson Township Pantry

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Jackson Twp. Bldg., Holbrook
2nd Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Jefferson Morgan Township Pantry

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Baptist Church, Jefferson
3rd Wednesday, 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Mon-Greene Township Pantry

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Greensboro Firehall – 2nd Tuesday of every month, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Springhill-Freeport Township Pantry

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Springhill Twp. Bldg.
2nd Wednesday, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Wayne Township Pantry

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Wayne Twp. Bldg.
3rd Friday, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Whiteley-Perry Township Pantry

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Old Video Store, Mt. Morris
3rd Wednesday, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

How to Sign Up for our Programs

How to Sign Up for our Programs

  1. Call (724) 627-9784 to set-up a registration appointment. Walk-In Appointments may be available, but can not be guaranteed.
  2. During your appointment, we will help you register for any of our programs you may be eligible for and will help you fill out the proper paperwork.

Clients will be asked to provide the following information:

– Household Size

i.e. How many people live in your house/apartment?

– Proof of Residency

i.e Utility Bill (etc.) with your current address

  1. You will be given all the information you will need to attend the pantry in your township. If you currently need food, we will be able to provide you with a box during this appointment, or you can begin receiving food at the next distribution for your township.

Note: If you receive a box of food during your registration appointment, you will not be eligible to receive a box at your pantry until the following month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I go to more than one food pantry?

A: No. All pantry participants should attend the pantry that serves the township they live in. This allows our pantries to serve as many people as possible, and helps prevent any “double-dipping”.

Q: What’s the difference between a food pantry and the Corner Cupboard?

A: The Corner Cupboard has a large warehouse facility where we receive and store products that are then distributed to the food pantries in our pantry network. The food pantries distribute the products to families needing food.

Q: What documents do I need to bring to get food from a pantry?

A: We recommend that you make an appointment at the Corner Cupboard to register before your first trip to your local pantry. We recommend that you bring proof of residency, and a valid photo ID. You can always call us at (724) 627-9784 for more clarification on these items.

Q: I can’t make it to my pantry distribution. What can I do to get food if I can’t physically get there?

A: Our pantries will allow another person to pick up food for you. This person is called your “Proxy”. Talk to our Administrative Assistant, or your Pantry Coordinator and they will give you a proxy form to fill out.

Q: I have a relative living with me. Can we both get food from the pantry?

A: Our food pantries provide food assistance based on household size. If you live in the same house or apartment, you are counted in the same household and would receive one food order for your household-not two orders.

Q: I have a friend who goes to a different food pantry and gets more food and better quality food. Why can’t I go there too?

A: All of our pantries serve a specific service area to ensure they are able to serve the families in their township. Pantry users get food from one pantry that serves the community they live in.